Enrolment for 2025
If you are interested in enrolling your child at Midhe Democratic School, we invite you to contact us with any queries or questions you may have. Alternatively, you could come to one of our information evenings.
Midhe Democratic School is a Not for Profit company (in the process of registering as a charity) and is entirely self-funded. We are not currently eligible for state support. As such, membership fees are charged to cover the cost of rent, bills and insurance for the school building as well as staff wages and learning resources.
Membership Fee Structure
We are an independent school that does not teach the national curriculum. As such, government funding is not available to us and the only way we can run the school is through a paid membership system. We are a Not for Profit organisation, which means every penny received in dues goes straight to the running costs of the school and not to investors or shareholders. We keep costs as low as possible and structure them on a cost sharing basis.
Inclusion of people from all areas and walks of life is a core value of Midhe Democratic School. In an effort to make the school as accessible and inclusive as possible, we have created a school bursary scheme. This offers our membership dues at a reduced rate for families who have a gross household income of €28,000 or less. If you wish to apply for this bursary please request bursary application form and submit it with your enrolment form.
Enrolment is OPEN NOW for April 22nd (after the Easter holidays.)
In April we will open enrolment for Sept 2025.
Advance Enrolments:
If you wish to receive early notification of enrolment opening for any period please send us an email noting the month (Sept/Jan) and year you are interested in. We do not create waiting lists for advance enrolments but will notify you when your requested period is open.
Full School Membership:
Child 1 : €4,000 per year
Child 2 : €2,500 per year
Child 3 : €1,500 per year
Bursary for Reduced Membership:
For Families with a Gross Household income under €28,000 per year can apply for this (this is based on a self assessed application process, these places are limited before applying we recommend you check with the school to see if there are reduced places available.)
Child 1 : €2,500 per year
Child 2 : €1,500 per year
Child 3 : €1000 per year
Enrolment Process
Step 1: Expression of Interest Form
Please fill out an Expression of Interest form. On that form, you can ask any questions you may have, you can request a call to discuss if Midhe Democratic School is right for your child or your can request an admissions form.
Step 2: Enrolment Form + €30 Admin Fee
Once you have completed the enrolment form, (and bursary application form if applicable) and paid the admin fee, you will be invited to an enrolment meeting.
Step 3: Enrolment Meeting
This is a meeting between, parents and the schools admissions team.
A second meeting will be held for the prospective student that can include a tour of the school, meeting some current students and staff. Answering any questions left before starting a trial period.
Step 4: Trial Period
If all parties are in agreement, the student may be invited to a trial period at the school for 4 weeks. During this time the student will attend the school as student, participate in school meetings and activities. The student will be assigned a staff mentor for the duration of the trial as a support person for them in the school if needed.
Step 5: Final Meeting
At this final meeting suitability of the student for the school and the students preference are discussed and if all parties are in agreement, a place may be offered to the prospective student.